Explore the Rich History of Hoxie House of Sandwich, Massachusetts – Visiting Cape Cod is a portal to the past, but Hoxie House of Sandwich, Massachusetts offers an incredible insight into the early colonial period of life in America. Hoxie House transports you back in time to the lifestyles of the original settlers of Massachusetts. Hoxie House is Cape Cod’s oldest, still surviving home.
The Rev. John Smith built Hoxie House in 1675 for his spouse, Susannah, and their thirteen children. The home remained in the Smith family for many generations. Abe Hoxie was a captain of a whaling ship and he also lived in the home for a time. Abe bought the house in the mid-1800s and dubbed it Hoxie House, and the name has stuck famously.
Up through the mid-19th century, Hoxie House was a single-family dwelling and did not have a central cooling or heating system, nor did it have electricity. Having never been updated to reflect modern conveniences, Hoxie House was converted into a museum illustrating a typical colonial period home.
The exterior of the home has been well-preserved and is the original. The architectural style is known as ‘saltbox’ – two stories with two rooms apiece that mirror each other. The steep slanted roof gave the style the name ‘saltbox.’ The interior has been renovated to maintain modern day codes for safe dwellings; however, all of the furnishings are accurate replicas from the colonial period, from gunstock posts to wider floorboards, enhancing your visit.
Summers on the cape are mild, and autumn days are filled with crisp air and falling leaves. Either season is perfect for planning a tour of Hoxie House. Public hours begin in June and last through October 15. Hours are from 10 am till 5 pm every day except for Sunday, 1 pm till 5 pm. Ticket prices are as low as $3 per person.
Because volunteers run Hoxie House, sometimes hours can vary from their posted schedule. Even if Hoxie House is not open when you arrive, they still welcome you to walk the property and experience historical Cape Cod. If you’re early, grab a bite to eat in Sandwich.
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